service teams
Relationships are important to us. VisionVes†ors not only identifies projects, builds partnerships and raises project funds, but also sends out Service Teams to touch the lives helped by our Service Projects. Our teams actually visit the sites and see first hand the ways our projects are helping the people. Our team members use their gifts and skills to serve the needs of the people relative to the specific objectives of the Service Team. These 7-10 day mission trips are scheduled throughout the year. The Service Teams provide a compassionate touch and an unforgettable, life changing experience. They are great for individuals, couples and families.
The members of our Service Teams have the opportunity to:
Visit the people that our Service Projects are helping.
Serve with their skills relative to the objectives of the team.
Build valuable relationships through serving in partnership.
Share in a cross-cultural adventure and see the world through a new lens.
Gain life changing insights through serving others less fortunate.
Experience God in some new ways.
Share some unforgettable moments with some new friends.
See lives and the world change before their eyes.

*Team Touches
Our teams visit the people that our projects serve. Team members meet the people, see the faces, experience the environment, share life moments and hear the stories of how real people are being helped through all of our compassionate efforts. Our teams bring people together who are worlds apart. Lives are touched and hearts are changed.

*Team Skills
Our team members bring their skills to serve the needs of people. Everyone has gifts and skills that God can use to make a difference in the lives of others. VisionVestors provides the pathway into settings, organizes Service Teams and connects our team members to personally serve with their skills. The impact is lasting upon those who receive and those who give of their time and talents.

Team Testimonies

"Being a part of a mission team allows you understand God's Kingdom work on a global scale. You will gain an appreciation for the truth that the Gospel is for all people and all nations!"
Nathan Larrabee-Platte City, MO

“I went to the Dominican Republic expecting to be a blessing, but in turn, the kids at the Bread of Life feeding center, and the people of the D.R., were a blessing to ME. I was forever changed!”
Debbie Davis-St. Joseph, MO

“I fell in love with the people. They had very little of the things we Americans enjoy. But their thankfulness and joy touched my heart. My life will never be the same.”
Vashti Reger-Milan, MO

“Working in Haiti taught me that love is powerful. It showed me that love builds relationships, breathes hope into the hopeless and gives value to the hurting. Without love, all of our efforts in furthering God’s Kingdom, are lost.”
Amy Bruce-Wahoo NE

“Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere but the hospitality of the Haitian churches is overwhelming on so many levels. We are always deeply humbled by their love and heart to serve.”
Troy Wilson Lee ’s Summitt, MO

"One day I was in a worship service when it hit me ... The goal is people from every tribe, language, people and nation gathered around the throne worshiping Jesus. Serving with Jesus followers all over the world is one of the most effective ways God has grown me and other team members to be more like Him."
Raymond Jones-Nicholasville, KY

"Each time I answer Jesus' call to go and serve locally and internationally, I receive much more than I'm ever able to give because of the people's generosity and placing myself in a position to be filled. Much joy comes from this and when I return to my 'daily routine' that joy overflows to others."
Chad Jackson-San Antonio, TX

“I learned that the heart of God reaches every tribe and every tongue. To have had the opportunity to partner and co-labor with my Dominican family, gave a new meaning to “God so loved the world.” God's love knows no bounds and is far reaching. This time was so rich in my heart.” ...“I had always heard that a missions trip would change your life. What surprised me most was seeing people with so little be so full of love and joy. The love of Christ is certainly not found in what we have, but who we know.”
Donna and Kurtis Clark-Waterford, CA
Service Teams
Our Service Teams welcome individuals, couples and families to join us in serving needs and changing lives. Each year we schedule our teams to specific locations. We invite you, your family or group to make plans to join us on the adventure of a life time. It will be one of the most rewarding and enriching adventures of your life. There are ways that every person can make a significant contribution. Below you will find a list of current destinations. As needs arise, other destinations and teams will form. We invite you to join our team!
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC August 3-10 Cost $1,500
This team will serve needs at the girls home and with the Bread of Life children. They will visit the refugee area and churches.
LIBERIA October 1-8 Cost $2,300
This team will serve in medical outreaches through our GCI churches and share in ministry services.
Contact our GCI Office immediately to register!
*Also note that the costs are all inclusive (airfare, lodging, meals etc.) and depend on airfare from your location. You must have a valid passport. Please notify our office if you are interested or desire
Helpful Service Team Information
¨ For international travel, every person needs a valid passport.
¨ The VisionVestors office organizes and sets the objectives for each team.
¨ Each team member must submit an Service Team application with a $100 deposit to secure their place on the team. A VV Service Team application may be downloaded and printed in PDF form by clicking here:
¨ Each Service Team has a designated Team Leader. The VisionVestors office and the Team Leader will help orient each team member as to the team objectives, team guidelines, things to bring, necessary vaccinations, expected conditions and important cultural issues.
¨ Airline tickets for each trip are ordered as a group about 90 days prior to the trip. When the tickets are ordered, each individual is responsible for the payment of their airline tickets to VisionVestors. (Even if the for some reason a team member is unable to go on the team, payment must be received by VisionVestors because only the ticketed passenger can use the ticket.)
¨ The remainder of the cost total for the trip is due no later than 30 days prior to departure.
Contact our office for more information.