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about us

VisionVes†ors is a non-denominational service ministry that invites partnership from the marketplace and churches to invest vision, resources, materials, skills and efforts to raise the quality of life in desperate and crisis regions of the world.   Working together we help to create opportunity and hope for people in distressed areas.


VisionVes†ors is made up of people who desire to use their talents to offer people living in desperate conditions, help and hope.   Regardless of skills and skill levels, every person has something to contribute to make a significant difference.


We are small business owners, construction workers, health care professionals, teachers, executives, ministers, airline employees, factory workers and a host of others coming together in local teams to work on practical projects to improve some of the most desperate conditions in the world.


Our home office is located in Platte City, MO (part of the Kansas City Metroplex).  VisionVestors was established in 2005. 


*Our Focus

We focus on practical compassion projects that change lives and the world.  These compassion projects demonstrate the love of God, increase the quality of life, and lead to spiritual impact and faith.

*Our Mission

VisionVes†ors merges marketplace skills into missions to meet practical needs in the love of Christ.


*Service Projects

We care about people and we build relationships.  Through these relationships, we identify practical projects that can help improve the quality of life in areas of desperate need.  We call these “Service Projects”.  We devise a project plan with our VisionVestors partners in the United States which includes resources, materials, skillsets and procedures.  We then work with trusted national leaders in the target region to accomplish the compassion projects in their respective nation.   Our projects are accomplished through teamwork and partnership.  They are a “hand up” and not a “hand out”, and always a team effort.  We have a variety of initiatives which are being accomplished throughout each year.







































*Our Partners

Our partners are people from the marketplace and churches who desire to make a difference in the world.  They want to help others and make an impact in real life situations.  They get involved at various levels.  Some connect with us in our regional meetings (Connection Meetings) for strategy, leadership and project logistics.  Some gather needed supplies for our projects.  Some raise funds or contribute finances for our Service Projects.  Some join our Service Teams and personally serve on location. 


*Project Support

We have individuals, civic groups, businesses and churches from across the United States that that serve and support our projects.  VisionVestors is a non-profit entity and all contributions are tax deductible.

*Ministry Association

VisionVestors is a service ministry in association with Grace Covenant International.




Our Projects Include:


¨ Clean Water Projects

¨ Orphan Care

¨ Feeding Poor Children

¨ Medical Clinics

¨ Prisoner Programs

¨ Assisting Schools

¨ Church Construction

¨ Disaster and Crisis Relief

¨ Economic Development

*Learn more by clicking on our Service Projects tab on the menu. 


*Service Teams

VisionVes†ors not only identifies projects, builds partnerships and raises project funds, but also sends out Service Teams to touch the lives helped by the project.  Our teams actually visit the sites and see first hand the ways our projects are helping the people.  Our team members use their gifts and skills to serve the needs of the people relative to the specific objectives of the Service Team.  These 7-10 day mission trips are scheduled throughout the year and provide a compassionate touch and a life changing experience.  You can learn more about our Service Teams by clicking the tab on the menu. 

*Connection Groups

We organize VV Connection Groups in communities where we have contacts and interest in our Service Projects.  In Connection Meetings, we  relate information relative to our current projects including the needs of the people, our specific goals for the effort and resources needed to accomplish the work.  We show  various ways that people can get involved to make an impact.   Connection Groups focus on the projects of their interest and link with other Connection Groups to partner for larger projects and broader impact.  The meetings also include information about the dates and objectives of  future Service Teams.  Connection Meetings are held about once every two months.

New Well in Haiti

New Well in Haiti

Medical Clinic in Dominican Republic

Medical Clinic in Dominican Republic

Facility provided to feed children

Facility provided to feed children

Economic Development-Liberia

Economic Development-Liberia

Prisoner Re-entry Program-Paraguay

Prisoner Re-entry Program-Paraguay

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